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January 2024

What's in the box

What's in the box


Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Jose Martinez

Producer: Jose Elcias Martinez

Origin: Palestina, Colombia

Varieties: Pink Bourbon

Process: Washed


Charlotte, North Carolina

Kii AA

Producer: Rungeto Farmers Cooperative Society

Origin: Kirinyaga, Kenya

Varieties: SL-28, SL-34, Ruiru-11, Batian

Process: Washed


Duluth, Minnesota

Costa Rica La Alquimia

Producer: Cerro San Luis Micromill

Origin: Grecia, Costa Rica

Varieties: Catuai

Process: White Honey


Jose Martinez

Pink Bourbon is definitely one of our favorite varieties here at Roastful. We selected this coffee based on flavor profile- we wanted to bring a complex, vibrant, and delicate coffee to pair alongside the punchier Kii (Hex) and the rounder La Alquimia (Underwood).

Brew notes

We like to shoot for quicker brew times with this coffee. If the coffee sits with water a bit too long, we start to lose out on some of that delicacy and vibrancy that we love so much about it. Shoot for maybe a 2:30 brew time on traditional pour over methods.


Kii AA

Being as heavily involved at Hex as we are means we always know when something like Kii needs to get featured in our box. This coffee is punchy and juicy with a very classic Kenyan profile, but classic doesn’t mean boring, it’s classic for a reason ;)

Brew notes

Kenyan Coffees tend to be fairly soluble in our experience. You can really push extraction on this guy, don’t be afraid to grind a little finer than you might normally grind, you might get a really tasty result!


Costa Rica La Alquimia

Sometimes when you’re drinking complex, floral coffees like the pink bourbon from Jose Martinez, or juicy punch-ya-in-the-face kind of coffees like Kii, it’s nice to mix in a really nice, solid, sweet coffee. We love coffee from Underwood, they tend to be slightly more developed than some of the roasters we feature, and that tends to lend the coffee to a slightly sweeter and rounder brew!

Brew notes

This coffee tends to brew pretty easily! Similar advice as I would give to brewing the coffee from Jose Martinez, but for different reasons. This coffee is already so sweet, I wouldn’t recommend pushing it in extraction like Kii, as you might get a muddled cup. Aim to brew this coffee a bit quicker and you will probably land at something quite balanced in sweetness and acidity.